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Episode 70 – Managing Restaurant Menus for Margin & Profit

Real-world advice on menu management from a food service professional with over 20 years of experience. In this episode Dennis Food Service account executive Josh Henderson joins Luke and Samantha to discuss menu pricing, and managing your restaurant’s menu for margin and profit.

12 Waste-Cutting Ideas to Control Costs

Although it’s unclear how much food is wasted in the foodservice industry, a University of Arizona study found that food waste as a percentage of total food used is 9.55% in fast food locations and 3.11% in full-service locations. Every bit of waste avoided is profit to a restaurant’s bottom line.

piggy bank with chef hat

The Top 10 Myths of Restaurant Profitability

Conventional wisdom in the restaurant business is often anything but wise or good for your bottom line. Here are 10 so-called undeniable restaurant truths that could be costing you big money.

ten dollar bill, Alexander Hamilton

Ten Easy Ways Waitstaff Can Add $10 to Every Check

Adding $10 to the check can put another $3 or more of profit in your register—and when you multiply that by all the tables served during a shift, it can add up! Here are 10 different ways to add $10 to every check….